IDASO are here to supply timely, accurate and understandable baseline data, empowering our clients prepare representative reports for strategic planning and development purposes.
IDASO are here to supply timely, accurate and understandable baseline data, empowering our clients prepare representative reports for strategic planning and development purposes.
We provide empirical data to empower effective decision making
Services and Solutions
As one of the largest traffic data collection firms in Europe, we in Idaso are proud to work closely with our clients and play our part in creating a safer more sustainable future for all.
We specialise in providing traffic, transport and mobility data for use in Strategic Planning, Traffic Impact Assessments, Property Management and Retail Assessments, along with optimisation of existing transport management systems.
Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Ireland with offices across the UK and Benelux region we work with a host of great partners to deliver best in class Innovative Data Solutions.
Who We Are
We are proud to work with
Our great partners include
Our team goes the extra mile…